or, what is the same thing, the system of equations is
1 = fia = afi = y I 2 = S 2 = e 2 ,
a = /3 2 = 8y = e8 = 76,
/3 = a 2 = 67 = 7S = Se,
7 = ha = e/3 = /3S = ae,
S = ea = 7/3 = ay = fie,
e = 7a = S/3 = /S7 = aS.
An instance of a group of this kind is given by the permutation of three letters;
the group
1, a, fi, 7, 8, e
may represent a group of substitutions as follows:—
abc, cab, bca, acb, cba, bac
abc abc abc abc abc abc.
Another singular instance is given by the optical theorem proved in my paper
“ On a property of the Caustic by refraction of a Circle, [124].”
It is, I think, worth noticing, that if, instead of considering a, fi, &c. as symbols
of operation, we consider them as quantities (or, to use a more abstract term, ‘cogi-
tables’) such as the quaternion imaginaries; the equations expressing the existence
of the group are, in fact, the equations defining the meaning of the product of two
complex quantities of the form
w + aa + bfi + ... ;
thus, in the system just considered,
(w -P aa -p bfi -P cy -P d8 -P ce) (w -P a a -P b fi •Pc73~dS-p6e) = W + A a -p JBfi 4- Gy -P D8 + Ee,
W = ww' + ab' + a'b + cc' + dd! + ce',
A = wa! + w'a+ bb' + dc' + ed' + ce',
B = wb' + w'b -P aa' + ec' + cd' + de',
C = wc' + w'c -P da' + eb' + bd' + ae',
D = wd' + w'd + ea' + cb' + ac' + be',
E = we' + w’e + ca' 4- db' + be' + ad'.
It does not appear that there is in this system anything analogous to the
modulus w 2 + x 2 + y 2 + ¿ 2 , so important in the theory of quaternions.
I hope shortly to resume the subject of the present paper, which is closely
connected, not only with the theory of algebraical equations, but also with that of
c. 11. 17