Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 2)

En introduisant dans cette notation les coefficients, j’écris par exemple 
(a, b, c, âffx, y) 3 , 
pour représenter la fonction 
ax 3 + 3 bx 3 y + 3 cxy 1 + dy 3 , 
tandis que je me sers de la notation 
(a, b, c, d\x, y) 3 , 
pour représenter la fonction 
ax 3 + bx*y + cxy 1 + dy 3 , 
et de même pour les fonctions d’un degré quelconque. J’ai trouvé cette distinction 
très commode. 
[In the foregoing Paper as here printed, except in the expression in the second line of this page, 
)( is used instead of )~( : it appears by a remark (Crelle, t. lx, errata) that the manuscript had the inter 
laced parentheses . Moreover in the manuscript ( ) was used for a Matrix, which was thus distinguished 
from a Determinant, but in the absence of any real ambiguity, no alteration has been made in this respect. 
In the reprint of subsequent papers from Crelle, the arrowhead )( or ^ is used instead of (ff . ]

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