Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 2)

[From the Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal, vol. vi. (1851), pp. 136—140.J 
Suppose that for any positive or negative integral value of r, we have ^¡r(x + ra) 
= Ur'yjrx, U r being in general a function of x, and consider the definite integral 
I = I Tp'x'ty'xdx ; 
J — oo 
x Vx being any other function of x. In case of either of the functions y]rx, '\ r x becoming- 
infinite for any real value a of x, the principal value of the integral is to be taken, 
that is, I is to be considered as the limit of 
if + f j "ijrx "fyxdx, (e = 0), 
'wa + e J—oo/ 
and similarly, when one of the functions becomes infinite for several of such values 
of x. 
We have 
or changing the variables in the different integrals so as to make the limits of each 
a, 0, we have 
I — I [%yjr(x + ra) 'P (x + ra)] dx, 
J 0 
2 extending to all positive or negative integer values of r, that is, 
I — I yjrx [2 CAP (# + ra)] dx, 

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