[From the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, vol. cxlvii. for the
year 1857, pp. 273—312. Received May 1,—Read May 8, 1856.]
The following memoir contains little or nothing that can be considered new in
principle; the object of it is to collect together the principal results relating to caustics
in piano, the reflecting or refracting curve being a right line or a circle, and to
discuss, with more care than appears to have been hitherto bestowed upon the subject,
some of the more remarkable cases. The memoir contains in particular researches
relating to the caustic by refraction of a circle for parallel rays, the caustic by
reflexion of a circle for rays proceeding from a point, and the caustic by refraction
of a circle for rays proceeding from a point; the result in the last case is not
worked out, but it is shown how the equation in rectangular coordinates is to be
obtained by equating to zero the discriminant of a rational and integral function of
the sixth degree. The memoir treats also of the secondary caustic, or orthogonal
trajectory of the reflected or refracted rays, in the general case of a reflecting or
refracting circle and rays proceeding from a point; the curve in question, or rather
a secondary caustic, is, as is well known, the Oval of Descartes or ‘ Cartesian ’: the
equation is discussed by a method which gives rise to some forms of the curve which
appear to have escaped the notice of geometers. By considering the caustic as the
evolute of the secondary caustic, it is shown that the caustic, in the general case of
a reflecting or refracting circle and rays proceeding from a point, is a curve of the
sixth class only. The concluding part of the memoir treats of the curve which, when
the incident rays are parallel, must be taken for the secondary caustic in the place
of the Cartesian, which, for the particular case in question, passes off to infinity. In
the course of the memoir, I reproduce a theorem first given, I believe, by me in the
Philosophical Magazine, viz. that there are six different systems of a radiant point