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and refracting circle which give rise to identically the same caustic, [see post, xxvill].
The memoir is divided into sections, each of which is to a considerable extent in
telligible by itself, and the subject of each section is for the most part explained
by the introductory paragraph or paragraphs.
Consider a ray of light reflected or refracted at a curve, and suppose that £, y
are the coordinates of a point Q on the incident ray, a, ¡3 the coordinates of the
point G of incidence upon the reflecting or refracting curve, a, b the coordinates of
a point N upon the normal at the point of incidence, x, y the coordinates of a
point q on the reflected or refracted ray.
Write for shortness,
(&-£)(£-«)-(a-a) (y — /3)= V QGN,
(a-a) ( |-a) + (&-/3) (y -/3) = DQGN,
then V QGN is equal to twice the area of the triangle QGN, and if f, y instead of
being the coordinates of a point Q on the incident ray were current coordinates, the
equation V QGN — 0 would be the equation of the line through the points G and N,
i.e. of the normal at the point of incidence; and in like manner the equation
□ Q6rW=0 would be the equation of the line through G perpendicular to the line
through the points G and N, i.e. of the tangent at the point of incidence.
We have
NG 2 = (a-af + (b-l3)\
QG 2 =(Z-*T + (v-/3 )\
and therefore identically,
NG 2 • Q(f = V QGN 2 + □ QGN.
Suppose for a moment that 0 is the angle of incidence and cf>' the angle of reflexion
or refraction; and let y, be the index of refraction (in the case of reflexion y = — 1),
then writing
(b — ,8) (x —a.) — (a —a) (y — /3)= V qGN,
{a — a) (x — a) + (b - (3) (y — /3) = □ qGN,
qG 2 = (x - af + (y - /3f,
we have