where II (x, y,...u) denotes the product of the differences of the quantities x, y,...v,
and on the left-hand side the summation extends to all the different permutations of
a, /3, ... k, or what is the same thing, of x, y,... u.
Suppose for a moment that there are only two roots, so that
(1, b, c$l, x) 2 = (1 — ax) (1 — fix),
then the left-hand side is
1 ^ 1
(1 - ax) (1 - ¡3y) ' (1 - ay) (1 - fix) ’
which is equal to
2 + (a + /3) (x + y) + (a 2 + /3 2 ) (x 2 + y 2 ) + 2a/3xy + (a 3 + /3 s ) (x 3 + y 3 ) + (a 2 /3 + a/3 2 ) (x 2 y + xy 2 ) + &c.,
and the right-hand side is
1 fxfy d d x — y
c ' co — y dx dy fxfy ’
which is equal to
i f x fu \f' x .fy ~.f'yf x +(>- y)f'xfy)
c oc-y\ {fxf (fy) 2 j ’
and therefore to
1 1 \f' x fy -fyf x
c 'fxfy { x-y
or substituting for foe, fy their values,
+f' x fy
becomes equal to
and f'xfy is equal to
f x fy ~f'yf x
2c — b 2 — be (x + y) — 2c 2 xy,
b 2 + 2 be (x + y) + 4e 2 xy.
The right-hand side is therefore equal to
2 + b {x + y) + 2 cxy
(1 + bx + ex 2 ) (1 -f by + cy 2 ) ’
and comparing with the value of the left-hand side, we see that this expression may
be considered as the generating function of the symmetric functions of (a, /3), viz. the
expression in question is developable in a series of the symmetric functions of (x, y),
the coefficients being of course functions of b and c, and these coefficients are (to
given numerical factors près) the symmetric functions of the roots (a, /3).