Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 2)

where II (x, y,...u) denotes the product of the differences of the quantities x, y,...v, 
and on the left-hand side the summation extends to all the different permutations of 
a, /3, ... k, or what is the same thing, of x, y,... u. 
Suppose for a moment that there are only two roots, so that 
(1, b, c$l, x) 2 = (1 — ax) (1 — fix), 
then the left-hand side is 
1 ^ 1 
(1 - ax) (1 - ¡3y) ' (1 - ay) (1 - fix) ’ 
which is equal to 
2 + (a + /3) (x + y) + (a 2 + /3 2 ) (x 2 + y 2 ) + 2a/3xy + (a 3 + /3 s ) (x 3 + y 3 ) + (a 2 /3 + a/3 2 ) (x 2 y + xy 2 ) + &c., 
and the right-hand side is 
1 fxfy d d x — y 
c ' co — y dx dy fxfy ’ 
which is equal to 
i f x fu \f' x .fy ~.f'yf x +(>- y)f'xfy) 
c oc-y\ {fxf (fy) 2 j ’ 
and therefore to 
1 1 \f' x fy -fyf x 
c 'fxfy { x-y 
or substituting for foe, fy their values, 
+f' x fy 
becomes equal to 
and f'xfy is equal to 
f x fy ~f'yf x 
2c — b 2 — be (x + y) — 2c 2 xy, 
b 2 + 2 be (x + y) + 4e 2 xy. 
The right-hand side is therefore equal to 
2 + b {x + y) + 2 cxy 
(1 + bx + ex 2 ) (1 -f by + cy 2 ) ’ 
and comparing with the value of the left-hand side, we see that this expression may 
be considered as the generating function of the symmetric functions of (a, /3), viz. the 
expression in question is developable in a series of the symmetric functions of (x, y), 
the coefficients being of course functions of b and c, and these coefficients are (to 
given numerical factors près) the symmetric functions of the roots (a, /3).

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