Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 2)

the node. We may if we please use the term “nodes of a surface,” “node-planes of 
a surface,” as synonymous with the points and tangent planes of a surface. And it 
will be convenient also to use the word node-tangents to denote the tangents to the 
curve of intersection at the node ; it may be noticed here that the node-tangents 
are conjugate tangents of the surface. 
Next let two conditions be imposed upon the plane : there are three distinct 
cases to be considered. 
First, the curve of intersection may have a flecnode. The plane (which is of 
course still a tangent plane at the flecnode) may be termed a flecnode-plane ; the 
flecnodes are singular points on the surface lying on a curve which may be termed 
the “ flecnode-curve 1 ,” and the flecnode-planes give rise to a developable which may 
be termed the flecnode-develope. The “ flecnode-tangents ” are the tangents to the 
curve of intersection at the flecnode ; the tangent to the inflected branch may be 
termed the “ singular flecnode-tangent,” and the tangent to the other branch the 
“ ordinary flecnode-tangent.” 
Secondly, the curve of intersection may have a spinode. The plane (which is of 
course still a tangent plane at the spinode) may be termed a spinode-plane ; the 
spinodes are singular points on the surface lying on a curve which may be termed 
the “ spinode-curve 2 .” And the spinode-planes give rise to a developable which may 
be termed the “ spinode-develope.” Also the “ spinode-tangent ” is the tangent to the 
curve of intersection at the spinode. 
Thirdly, the curve of intersection may have two nodes, or what may be termed 
a “ node-couple.” The plane (which is a tangent plane at each of the nodes and 
therefore a double tangent plane) may be also termed a “ node-couple-plane.” The 
node-couples are pairs of singular points on the surface lying in a curve which may 
be termed the “node-couple-curve,” and the node-couple-planes give rise to a deve 
lopable which may be termed the “ node-couple-develope.” The tangents to the curve 
of intersection at the two nodes of a node-couple might, if the term were required, 
be termed the “ node-couple-tangents.” Also one of the nodes of a node-couple may 
be termed a “ node-with-node,” and the tangents to the curve of intersection at such 
point will be the “ node-with-node-tangents.” 
1 The flecnode-curve, defined as the locus of the points through which can be drawn a line meeting the surface 
in four consecutive points, was, so far as I am aware, first noticed in Mr Salmon’s paper “ On the Triple 
Tangent Planes of a Surface of the Third Order ” (Journal, t. iv. [1849], pp. 252—260), where Mr Salmon, 
among other things, shows that the order of the surface being «, the curve in question is the intersection of 
the surface with a surface of the order 11« - 24. 
a The notion of a spinode, considered as the point where the mdicatrix is a parabola (on which account 
the spinode has been termed a parabolic point) may be found in Dupin’s Développements de Géométrie : the 
most important step in the theory of these points is contained in Hesse’s memoir “ Ueber die Wendepuncte 
der Curven dritter Ordnung” (Grelle, t. xxviii. [1848], pp. 97—107), where it is shown that the spinode-curve 
is the curve of intersection of the surface supposed as before of the order «, with a certain surface of the 
order 4(n-2). See also Mr Salmon’s memoir “On the Condition that a Plane should touch a surface along 
a Curve Line” (Journal, t. hi. [1848], pp. 44—46).

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