or as it may be written,
(G$£ V, £$B, H, Zy, E, H, Z)j
+ №& ^ C$s, H, Z)-№ 17, Cjx.y, z)j ;
or again,
y-y, ?-*$B, h, z)) Q
+ №& y> £$H-x, H — y, Z — z) j
or what is the same thing,
v -y, r-*$a, H, Z))
+ (tr.fl$B-x, H-y, Z-z$fc 77, £)) ’
and it is easy to see that the equation will be satisfied by writing
( il$f 77 -y, S-z)= ( T$f, 77, 0,
(tr.il$S-x, H-y, Z — z) = — (tr. T]£B, H, Z),
where T is any arbitrary matrix. In fact we have then
( 77 —7/, C -*$B, H, Z)= ( T$£, 77 , H, Z),
(tr.n$B-x, H-y, Z-z$f , 77, ?)=-(tr.T$B, H, Z$f , 77, O
= -( T$f, 77, ?$s, H, Z),
and the sum of the two terms consequently vanishes.
6. The equation
?-y, ?-*)=(Tjf, 77, O
n, f) = (Q$«. 2/, *),
and we then have
(O+Tjf, V, ?) = №,. y„ *,)•
In fact the two equations give
77, C) = (il$a? + a? / , y + y„ * + *,)»
or what is the same thing,
2(|, V, C) = (® + ® < , y + y,, * + *,),
which is the equation assumed as the definition of (£, 77, £); and conversely, this
equation, combined with either of the two equations, gives the other of them.
7. We have consequently
(»> y, *)=(ii-(0-T)$f, ,, r),
(?> V, i) = ((n + ^'r , n$jc l , y„ z),
and thence
0»> y, *) = (il^(fl-T)(il + T)nil$* # , y y> *,).