Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 2)

when the transformations for the two sets of variables are identical, viz. T being any 
symmetrical matrix, if 
(*, y> 4=(n- 1 (ii-T)(ii+T)-^ / , y„ »,), 
(x, y, z) = (il-(il-T)(il + T)-^][x / , y„ Z/ ), 
y> Z H X > y> z )= (!!$>„ y„ z^x, y„ Z/ ). 
14. Lastly, in the general case where the matrix i2 is anything whatever, the 
condition is 
il-^T = - (tr. il)" 1 tr. T 
for assuming this equation, then first 
XI- 1 (12 - T) = (tr. X2)~ 1 (tr. X2 + T), 
and in like manner 
+ T) = (tr. i2) _1 (tr. X2-T). 
But we have 
1 = (tr. i2)^(tr. f2^T)(tr. tr. i2, 
and therefore, secondly, 
(fl + T)“ 1 12 = (tr. 12 - T)" 1 tr. O. ; 
and thence 
il-^n - T)(i2 + T) -1 i2 = (tr. X2) -1 (tr. n + T)(tr. i2^T)-Hr. i2, 
or the two transformations are identical. 
15. To further develope this result, let X2 _1 be expressed as the sum of a 
symmetrical matrix Q 0 and a skew symmetrical matrix Q /} and let T be expressed in 
like manner as the sum of a symmetrical matrix T 0 and a skew symmetrical matrix 
T r We have then 
^ -1 = Qo + Q/> 
(tr. I2) -1 = tr. (X2 _1 ) = Qo-Q,, 
T =T 0 + T / , 
tr. T =T 0 -T /} 
and the condition, i2 _1 T = — (tr. i2) _1 tr. T, becomes 
(Qo + Q,)(T 0 + t,) = - (Q 0 - QX T 0 - T # ), 
Q,T 0 + QA-0, 
T o=-Qo~ 1 Q, r ,> 
that is, 
and we have

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