Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 2)

that is, as the Jacobian of the cubic and Hessian; and under the form 
h (9 a , d b , d c , d d \y, - x) 3 □, 
that is, as the evectant of the discriminant. 
The discriminant, taken negatively, may be written under the form 
+ 4 (ac — b 2 ) (bd — c 2 ) — (ad — be) 2 , 
that is, as the discriminant of the Hessian. 
117. We have 
(a, b, c, (Tfybx 2 + 2cxy + dy 2 , — ax 2 — 2bxy — cy 2 ) 3 = U<£>, 
which expresses that a transmutant of the cubic is the product of the cubic and the 
cubicovariant. The equation 
{(3«, 3 6 , d c , defey, -x) 3 } 2 U =2 U 2 
expresses that the second evectant of the discriminant is the square of the cubic. 
The equation 
d 2 , 
— 3 cd , 
— 3bd + 6c 2 , 
— 3 be + 2 ad 
- 27 D 2 
— 3 cd , 
— 3c 3 +12 bd, 
— 3ad — 6bc , 
— Sac + 6b 2 
— 3bd + 6c 2 , 
— 3ad — 6bc , 
— 3 b 2 + 12ac, 
— Sab 
— 3 be — YLad, 
— 3ac + 6b 2 , 
3 ab , 
a 2 
expresses that the determinant formed with the second differential coefficients of the 
discriminant gives the square of the discriminant. 
The covariants of the intermediate aU + /3<b are as follows, viz. 
118. For the Hessian, we have 
H(<xU + №)= (1, 0, -□£«, /3) 2 H 
= (a 2 -/3 2 D )H; 
for the cubicovariant, 
and for the discriminant, 
0> («Z7H- /SO>) = (0, □, 0, -D 2 5«, /3) 3 U 
+ (1, 0, 0\a, /¡Y* 
= (a 2 - / S 2 D)(aT> + y SDH); 
Ù(aU+0®)= (1, 0, - 2D, 0, D 2 -%a, /3)^T> 
= (a 2 — /3 2 □ ) 2 □, 
where on the left-hand sides I have, for greater distinctness, written H, &c. to denote 
the functional operation of taking the Hessian, &c. of the operand all + /3<1>.

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