Mr Salmon has also performed the laborious calculation of Hermites’ 18-thic
invariant of a binary quintic, and has kindly permitted me to publish the result, which
is given in the following Table :
No. 29 a.
[This is the Table W No. 29 A given pp. 299—303, the form being slightly
altered as appears p. 282.]
Mr Salmon has also remarked to me, that in the Table No. 50 of the cubin-
variant of a binary dodecadic 1 , the coefficients are altogether erroneous. There was, in
fact, a fundamental error in the original calculation ; instead of repeating it, I have,
with a view to the deduction therefrom of the cubinvariant (see Fourth Memoir,
No. 78), first calculated the dodecadic quadricovariant, the value of which is given in
the following Table :
No. 49 A.
[For this Table see p. 319.]
It is now very easy to obtain the cubinvariant, which is
No. 50 bis.
[This is the Table No. 50, p. 319, the original No. 50 with coefficients which
were altogether erroneous having been omitted.]
1 Third Memoir, Philosophical Transactions, t. cxlvi. (1856) p. 635.