Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 2)

and I multiply as if a Q , b 0 , c 0 ... really existed, taking care to multiply without making 
any transposition in the order inter se of two symbols a 0 , b a combined in the way of mul 
tiplication. This gives a quasi-product 
the prof 
ww, + (aw, + a,w) a 0 + (bw, + b,w) b Q + ... 
+ aa,a Q 2 + bb,b Q 2 + ... 
+ ab / a 0 b 0 + a / bb 0 a 0 +.... 
being ai 
Suppose, now, that a quasi-equation, such as 
the trip' 
er = + , 
and sup] 
means that in the expression of the quasi-product 
b 0 c 0 , c 0 a 0 , a 0 b 0 , cJb Q , a Q c 0 , b 0 a 0 
are to be replaced by 
a 0 , b Q , c 0> — a Q , —b n , — c 0 ; 
where e, 
and that a quasi-equation, such as a 0 b 0 c 0 = —, means that in the expression of the quasi 
b 0 c 0 , c 0 a 0 , a 0 b o , c Q b Q , a 0 c 0 , b 0 a 0 
are to be replaced by 
- a Q , —b a , — c 0 , a Q , b Q , c 0 . 
and ej M 
It is in the first place clear that the quasi-equation, a Q b 0 c 0 = +, may be written in 
any one of the six forms 
«0 & oC o = +> K c o a o = +> c 0 a 0 b 0 = +, 
«oCo 6 o = -> G 0 b 0 a 0 = ~, b 0 a o c 0 = — ; 
and so for the quasi-equation a 0 b o c o = —. This being premised, if we form a system of 
quasi-equations, such as 
a 0 b 0 c 0 = ±, a 0 d 0 e 0 = ±, &c. 
and by t 
ively, we 
where the system of triplets contains each duad once, and once only, and the arbitrary 
signs are chosen at pleasure ; if, moreover, in the expression of the quasi-product we 
replace a 0 2 , 6 0 2 ,... each by —1, it is clear that the quasi-product will assume the form 
Also wj 
®« + fl A + M 0 + CA+ .... 
w //> *//> K> G „ ••• being determinate functions of w, a, b, c, w,, a„ b„ c, ..., homo 
geneous of the first order in the quantities of each set ; the value of w„ being obviously 
in every case 
w a = ww, — aa, — bb, — cc,..., 
whence i 
and a„, b //} c,,,... containing in every case the terms aw. + a/w, bw,+b t w, cw, + c,w,... but 
the form of the remaining terms depending as well on the triplets entering into the

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