Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 2)

if A be the same as before, and A' the like function of A', y\ p \ also if 
= XV + yy' + vv ~(yv' + y'v) - (vX' + v'X)~ (Xy' + X» - 2pp, 
A' 2 = (2aa 2 - 2a V - 2bc + b + cf, 
a , =M! ( 2 + -Ly_ 2a V- a()C ( 2+c I) + o( 2 + I,) ; 
and the condition of contact AA' = 6? (taking the proper sign for the radicals) be 
(2aa 2 - 2a V — 26c 4- 6 + c) = aa 2 
— 2a V — 26c 
+ c 
or reducing, 
aa — 6/3 + c 
a — /3 
2a/3 + l 
= 0, 
an equation which is evidently not altered by the interchange of a, a and 6, /3. The 
conditions, in order that each bisector may touch two tactors, reduce themselves to 
the three equations, 
aa — 6/3 + c 
a — /3 
2a/3 + 1 
= 0, 
2/3 7 + l 
+ 6/3 - c 7 = 0, 
— aa + 
2a 7 + 1 
+ cy = 0, 
which are satisfied by the values above found for the quantities a, 6, c. The possi 
bility and truth of the geometrical construction are thus demonstrated. 
Let it be in the first instance proposed to find the equation of a section touching 
all or any of the sections x = 0, y = 0, z = 0 of the surface of the second order, 
ax 2 + 6 if + cz 2 + 2fyz + 2gzx + 2 hxy + par = 0. 
Any section whatever of this surface may be written in the form 
(aX + hy + gv)x + (/iA + by + fv) y + (gX+fy + cv) z + v -p Vw= 0, 
V 2 = aX 2 + by 2 + cv 2 + 2fyv + 2gvX + 2hXy - K,

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