Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 3)

[An Asterisk denotes that the Paper is not printed in full.] 
159. On some Integral Transformations ...... 1 
Quart. Math. Jour. t. I. (1857), pp. 4—6 
160. On a Theorem relating to Reciprocal Triangles ... 5 
Quart. Math. Jour. t. i. (1857), pp. 7—10 
161. A problem in Permutations ....... 8 
Quart. Math. Jour. t. i. (1857), p. 79 
162. Two letters on Cubic Forms ....... 9 
Quart. Math. Jour. t. i. (1857), pp. 85—87 and 90—91 
163. On Hansen's Lunar Theory . . . . . . . 13 
Quart. Math. Jour. t. 1. (1857), pp. 112—125 
164. On Gauss Theory for the Attraction of Ellipsoids ... 25 
Quart. Math. Jour. t. 1. (1857), pp. 162—166 
165. On some Geometrical Theorems relating to a triangle circum 
scribed about a Conic . . . . . . . . 29 
Quart. Math. Jour. t. 1. (1857), pp. 169—175 
166. Note on the Homology of Sets . . . . . . . 35 
Quart. Math. Jour. t. 1. (1857), p. 178 
167. Apropos of Partitions ........ 36 
Quart. Math. Jour. t. 1. (1857), pp. 183—184 
c. hi. b

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