Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 3)

This formula, which is easily deducible from that for the expansion 
powers of cos 6, is employed by M. Stern, Grelle, t. xx. [1840], in 
following theorem: If 
2 2.3 
continued to the first term that vanishes, then according as n is of the form 6 k + 3,. 
6& + 1, 6& or 6k + 2, 
8 = -, S = 0, S=- 1 , S = 2 , (9) 
n n n K ' 
of cos n6 in 
proving the 
which is in fact immediately deduced from it by writing b = wa, w being one of the 
impossible cube roots of unity. Substituting the above values of x in the equation (4), 
( 1 + a ^- a + a ^.(» + i).{ 1+ ^^ + (P + »)ÇP 8 ^)P(P-l)^ | + ...| > 
(1 + olY + (1 + a)-P = 2p j- + 
P g2 , (P + l)j>(p-l) a 4 , 1 
2 a +1 o q a. /«, » 
2.3.4 (a + 1) 2 1 -J 
(1 + ay» + (1 + ay = (2p + 1) a [l + ( -£±+ P + ... 
+2p S + 
p a 2 
(7+1 + - 'T ’ = U su PP ose > (12) 
A {-y (1 + ay = (-)^ +1 U or (1 + a)P = (~y 2 (~y +1 U, 
where A and 1 refer to the variable p. The summation is readily effected by means 
of the formulae 
2 (-)i ,+1 (2p + 1) (p + s + 1)...(p -s) = (~y (p + s+ 1)...(p -s- 1), 
2 (~) p+1 (p + s)...(p-s)2p = (-y(p + s)...(p -s-1), 
and we thence find 
(1 + ay = 11 + 
Pip- 1 ) a ~ . (P + 1)^(P — 1)(p — 2) a 4 ] 
1 + a (1 + a) 2 + ‘"j 
\P , (P + 1)P(P-1) g2 
+ a {i + 
1 + a 
+ ••• . 

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