Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 3)

2p(2p-l)a 1 = (2p-2)(2p-3)b 1 - pip-1), 
2p (2p -1) a. 2 = (2p - 4) (2p - o)b 2 - (p - 1) (p -2)b lf 
2p (2p -1) a 3 •= (2p- 6) (2p - 7) b 3 - (p -2){p- 3) b,, 
2p (2p — 1) a p _ 3 = 5 . 6 6p_3- 3 . 4 6 P _ 4 , 
0 = 3.4 b p _ 2 - 2 . 3 bp-,, 
by means of which the coefficients b can be determined when the coefficients a are 
Jacobi remarks also that the expressions for the sums of the even powers may 
be obtained from those for the odd powers by means of the formula 
Sx 2p — - a ^ d x Sx 2p+1 , 
2p + 1 
which shows that any such sum will be of the form (2x + l)u into a rational and 
integral function of u : thus in particular 
Sa f = ^ (2x + 1) u. 
To show a priori that SaJ 2p+1 can be expressed as a rational and integral function 
of u, it may be remarked that Sa? p+1 = fax where fax denotes the summatory integral 
2 (x + 1) 2 -P +1 , taken so as to vanish for x = 0: (j) x x is a rational and integral function 
of x of the degree 2p + 2, and which, as is well known, contains x 2 as a factor. 
Suppose that y is any positive or negative integer less than x, we have 
fax — fay = (y + + (y + 2) 2p+1 ...+ x 2p+1 , 
and in particular putting y = — 1 — x, 
fax — fa (— 1 — x) = (— x) 2p+1 + (1 — x) 2p+1 ...+ x 2p+1 , = 0, 
since the terms destroy each other in pairs; we have therefore fax = fa(-l- x). 
Now u = x 1 + x, or writing this equation under the form oc 2 = — x + u, we see that any 
rational and integral function of x may be reduced to the form Px + Q, where 
P and Q are rational and integral functions of u. Write therefore fax = Px + Q: the 
substitution of — 1 — x in the place of x leaves u unaltered, and the equation 
fax = cj) 1 (— 1 — x) thus shows that P = 0 ; we have therefore fax = Q, a rational and 
integral function of u. Moreover fax as containing the factor x 2 , must clearly contain 
the factor iP, and the expressions for Sx 2p+1 are thus shown to be of the form given 
by Jacobi. 
We may obtain a finite expression for 8x n in terms of the differences of 0 m as 
follows: we have 
Sx n = l n + 2 n ...+x n = {(1 + A) + (1 + A) 2 ...+ (1 + A)*} 0 M = ^ — {(1 + A)*- 1}0 M ,

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