205. Note on the Summation of a Certain Factorial Expression . 250
Phil. Mag. t. xiii. (1857), pp. 419—423
206. Note on a Theorem relating to the Rectangular Hyperbola . 254
Phil. Mag. t. xiii. (1857), p. 423
207. Analytical Solution of the Problem of Tactions . . . 255
Phil. Mag. t. xiii. (1857), pp. 507—509
Tfl Tilj
208. Note on the Equipotential Curve —I— 7 = C. 258
Phil. Mag. t. XIV. (1857), pp. 142—146
209. A Demonstration of Sir W. R. Hamilton 7 s Theorem of the
Isochronism of the Circular Hoclograpli . . . . 262
Phil. Mag. t. xiv. (1857), pp. 427—430
210. On the Cubic Transformation of an Elliptic Function . . 266
Phil. Mag. t. xv. (1858), pp. 363—364
211. On a Theorem relating to Hyper geometric Series . . . 268
Phil. Mag. t. xvi. (1858), pp. 356, 357
212. A Memoir on the Problem of Disturbed Elliptic Motion . 270
Mem. R. Astron. Soc. t. xxvn. (1859), pp. 1—29
213. On the Development of the Disturbing Function in the Lunar
Theory ........... 293
Mem. R. Astron. Soc. t. xxvii. (1859), pp. 69—95
214. The First part of a Memoir on the Development of the Dis
turbing Function in the Lunar and Planetary Theories . 319
Mem. R. Astron. Soc. t. xxvm. (1860), pp. 187—215
215. A Supplementary Memoir on the Problem of Disturbed Elliptic
Motion ........... 344
Mem. R. Astron. Soc. t. xxvm. (1860), pp. 217—234