Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 3)

[From the Philosophical Magazine, vol. xiv. (1857), pp. 427—430.] 
Imagine a body moving in piano under the action of a central force, and let h 
denote, as usual, the double of the area described in a unit of time; let P be any 
point of the orbit, then measuring off, on the perpendicular let fall from the centre 
of force 0 on the tangent at P to the orbit, a distance OQ equal or proportional 
to li into the reciprocal of the perpendicular on the tangent, the locus of Q is the 
hodograph, and the points P, Q are corresponding points of the orbit and hodograph. 
It is easy to see that the hodograph is the polar reciprocal of the orbit with 
respect to a circle having 0 for its centre, and having its radius equal or proportional 
to VA. And it follows at once that Q is the pole, with respect to this circle, of the 
tangent at P to the orbit. 
In the particular case where the force varies inversely as the square of the 
distance, the hodograph is a circle. And if we consider two elliptic orbits described 
about the same centre, under the action of the same central force, and such that the 
major axes are equal, then (as will be presently seen) the common chord or radical 
axis of the two hodographs passes through the centre of force. 
Imagine an orthotomic circle of the two hodographs (the centre of this circle is 
of course on the common chord or radical axis of the two hodographs), and consider 
the arcs intercepted on the two hodographs respectively by the orthotomic circle; then 
the theorem of the isochronism of the circular hodograph is as follows, viz. the times 
of hodographic description of the intercepted arcs are equal; in other words, the times 
of description in the orbits, of the arcs which correspond to the intercepted arcs of 
the hodographs, are equal. It was remarked by Sir W. R. Hamilton, that the theorem 
is in fact equivalent to Lambert’s theorem, that the time depends only on the chord

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