Let 6', 6" be the corresponding values of 6, we have
e'-d" = 0'-a-(d"-a),
and thence
co s«r —*")=£.£, + (*+c)
r r \r
or adding unity to each side, multiplying by r'r", and on the right-hand side sub
stituting for r + r", r'r" their values
/V(l + co S (0'-<T)) = -^;
the square of the chord is r 1 + r'- — 2rr cos (6' — 6"), or, what is the same thing,
(?■' + r"f — 2r'r" (l + cos (O' — 0")) ; hence to prove the theorem, it is only necessary to show
that r' + r" and r'r" (l + cos (6' — 6")) have the same values in each orbit, that is, that
2BG , 2C 2 M 2 . . . , ! • -o ! • ,
1~(R ancl have the same values m each orbit, lout observing that
1 — sin 2 k sin 2 (a — zx) = cos 2 k + sin 2 k cos 2 (a — zj) = cos 2 k {1 + tan 2 k cos 2 (a — ta-)},
the values of these expressions are respectively
2a (m tan k cos (a — ot) — R)
R 1 + tan 2 k cos 2 (a — ot)
2a 2 to 2
R- 1 + tan 2 k cos 2 (a — ot) ’
which contain only the quantities m, a, R, tan k cos (a — to), which are the same for
each orbit, and the theorem is therefore proved, viz. it is made to depend on Lambert’s
theorem. I may remark, that a geometrical demonstration which does not assume
Lambert’s theorem is given by Mr Droop in his paper “On the Isochronism of the
Circular Hodograph,” Quarterly Mathematical Journal, vol. I. [1857] pp. 374—378, where
the dependence of the theorem on Lambert’s theorem is also shown.
By what precedes, the theorem may be stated in a geometrical form as follows:—
“Imagine two ellipses having a common focus, and their major axes equal; describe
about the focus two directrix circles having their radii proportional to the square roots
of the minor axes of the ellipses respectively; the polar reciprocal of each ellipse in
respect to its own directrix circle will be a circle (the hodograph), and the common
chord or radical axis of the two hodographs will pass through the focus. Consider
any point on the common chord, and take the polar with respect to each directrix
circle; such polar will cut off an arc of the corresponding ellipse; and then, theorem,
the elliptic chord, and the sum of the radius vectors through the two extremities of
the chord, will be respectively the same for each ellipse.”
2, Stone Buildings, W.C., June 24, 1857.