I write also
8, the longitude in orbit of departure-point, or, as it may be termed, the adjustment;
that is
8 = 6 — o\
In the undisturbed motion the departure-point is simply a fixed point in the
orbit, but when the orbit is variable, the departure-point is taken to be the point
of intersection of the orbit with any orthogonal trajectory of the successive positions
of the orbit, a definition which is expressed analytically b} r the equation,
da = cos cf) dd.
The equation, z = p — a, gives
or, what is the same thing,
dz = dj? — da — dp — cos <£ dO,
dp = dz + cos cf) dd.
But we have dz + cos <£ dd = 0, and consequently dp = 0, an equation which expresses
that the increment of departure, in so far as such increment arises from the variation
of the elements, is equal to zero. Or, what is the same thing, the total increment
of departure is equal to the infinitesimal angle between two consecutive radius vectors
of the planet.
I propose to consider the departure-point as a point which is constantly defined
as above, viz., when the orbit is variable, the departure-point is the point of inter
section of the orbit with any orthogonal trajectory of the successive positions of the
orbit; and as a particular case of the definition, when the orbit is fixed, the
departure-point is simply a fixed point on the orbit. The orbit here considered is
that of the planet and the position of the planet is determined by the departure and
radius vector (the latitude being zero), and this is assumed to be the case whenever
the departure is spoken of, and it is such departure which is denoted by the letter p.
But we might consider a departure-point (defined as above), upon any other orbit
whatever, and use such departure-point as an origin of longitude (for instance, in the
lunar theory we might consider a longitude measured along the variable plane of the