[From the Quarterly Mathematical Journal, vol. I. (1857), pp. 242—244.]
Let U 1 = 0, U. 2 = 0, U 3 = 0 be the equations of three circles, and let V be the
functional determinant of U 1 , U 2 , U 3 , the functions being in the first instance made
homogeneous by the introduction of a variable z, which is ultimately replaced by
unity; then the equation of the circle cutting at right angles the three given circles,
or, as it may be called, the orthotomic circle, is V = 0. This elegant theorem of
Mr Salmon’s is connected with the theory developed by Hesse in the memoir, “ Ueber
die Wendepuncte der Curven dritter Ordnung,” Crelle, t. xxvm. (1844), p. 97).
In fact, let U 1 = 0, U. 2 = 0, U 3 = 0 be the equations of three conics, the locus of
a point such that its polars with respect to each of these conics, or indeed with
respect to any conic having for its equation \U 1 +yU 2 +vU 3 = 0 (where X, y, v are
arbitrary), pass through the same point, is a curve of the third order V = 0, where
V is the functional determinant of U 1 , U 2 , U 3 .
Conversely, if the curve of the third order F=0 be given, and U be a function
of the third order, such that the functional determinant of , or, what
ax ay dz
is the same thing, the “ Hessian ”. of the function U is equal to V, a condition
which may be written V= H( U), then we may take for the conics any three conics
dU dU dU
the equations of which are of the form X
- + y + v = 0. The equation V=H(U)
affords the means of determining U; in fact, we shall have U=aV+bH(V), where a and b
are constants to be determined. This gives H{U)=H (aV+bH (V)')=AV+BH(V), where
A and B are given functions of a, b (a practical method of determining these functions
was first given in Aronhold’s memoir, “Zur Theorie der homogenen Functionen dritten
Grades von zwei Variabein,” Crelle, t. xxxix. (1850), pp. 140—159); and we have therefore