Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 5)

the second equation, supposing that G(m, to') is known—the third equation, supposing 
that G (to 2 , to') and G (to, to' 2 ) are known—and the fourth equation, supposing that 
G(m 3 , to'), G(m 2 , to' 2 ), G(m, m' 3 ) are known, are respectively of the form 
</> (to + to') = + <pm' + funct. (to, ml); 
and hence if a particular solution be given, the general solution is 
<f) (m) = Particular Solution + am + (3M. 
The values of the constants must in each case be determined by special considerations. 
29. The value of G (m, n, p, q) was obtained strictly; that of G (m 2 , n, p) was 
reduced to depend on G (1, 1, to 2 ), and that of G (to 3 , n) on G (1, m 3 ). I apply therefore 
the functional equations to the confirmation of the values of G (1, 1, to 2 ), G (to 2 , ft 2 ), 
and G (1, to 3 ), and to the determination of the value of G (to 4 ). 
30. First, if G(m 2 ) denote (7(1, 1, to 2 ), then G (to, to') denotes G( 1, 1, to, to'), 
which is = 2toto' ; hence 
G (to + to') 2 — G (to 2 ) — G (to' 2 ) = 2mm', 
which is satisfied by G (to 2 ) = [to] 2 . This gives 
G (1, 1, to 2 ) = [to] 2 + a to + /3M; 
but if the curve m be a system of to lines (to = to, M = 0), then G (1, 1, to 2 ) = [to] 2 ; 
and again, if the curve to be a conic (to = 2, Hi = — 1), then G (1, 1, to 2 )=1. This 
gives a = 0, /3=1, and therefore 
G (1, 1, to 2 ) = [to] 2 + M. 
31. Next, if (7 (to 2 ) denote G(m 2 , n 2 ), then G (to, to') denotes G{m,m',n®), which is 
= mm' ([?i] 2 + iV). The functional equation is 
Cr (to + to') 2 — 6r (to 2 ) — G (to' 2 ) = mm' ([w] 2 + N), 
which is satisfied by G (to 2 ) = J [to] 2 ([w] 2 + iV). Hence we have 
(r (to 2 , n 2 ) = £ [to] 2 ([w] 2 + IV) + oro + (3M, 
where a, ¡3 are functions of n, N; and observing that G(m 2 , nr) must be symmetrical 
in regard to the curves to and n, it is easy to see that we may write 
G (to 2 , nr) — \ [w] 2 [ft] 2 + M. \ [ft] 2 + N. | [to] 2 + amn + /3 (mN + nM) + yMN, 
where a, /3, 7 are absolute constants. To determine them, if the curve to be a pair 
of lines (to = 2, M = 0), then 
G (to 2 , ft 2 ) = G (1, 1, ft 2 ) = [ft] 2 + N; 
and if each of the curves to, ft be a conic (to = 2, M — —1, n — 2, N=— 1), then 
G (to 2 , ft 2 ) = 1.

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