We thus obtain
(da,. .][x, y, zf (21', . /$>,..)
+ (a, . .Job, y, zf (21', . .Jda, ..)
— 2 (21',. .Jax + hy+gz,. Jxda + ydb + zdc,..)
(a, ..Jx, y, zf(dW, . .Ja,..)
— (921', . .Jax + hy 4- gz, . .) 2
2 (a, . .Job, y, zjdx, dy, dz) (21', . .Ja, ..)
— 2 (21', .Jax + hy+gz, Jadx + hdy + gdz, .)
= (<A, • -Joe, y, zf (321,. .Ja,..)
— (021, . .Ja'x + h'y + g'z, . .f,
= (da',. .Jx, y, zf (21,. .Ja',..)
+ (a',. .Jx, y, s) 2 (21,. .Jda'..)
— 2(21,..]£«.'#+ h'y+g'z, ..Jxda' + ydh' + 20#',..),
= 2(a, ..Jx, y, zjdx, dy, dz)(21, ..Ja', ..)
— 2 (21, .Ja'x + h'y + g'z,. .Ja'dx+h'dy+g'dz,..).
45. If in these equations respectively we suppose as before that (a, b, c, f, g, h)
are the second differential coefficients of a function U of the order to, and (a', b', c', f, g', h')
the second differential coefficients of a function U' of the order to' ; and that (A, B, G),
(A', B', O') are the first differential coefficients of these functions respectively, then
after some easy reductions we have
(to - 1) (to - 2) 0U(21',. .Ja,..) = to'(to' -1) U' (021,..]{a,..)
+ to (to — 1) U (21', . .Jda,..)
m(m—l)U(dA\. .Ja,..)
-(m-lf(dA',..JA, B, Gf
2 (to— 1)00(21', ..Ja,..)
- 2 (to - 1) (21', . .JA, B, CJdA, dB, dC)
~(m'-lf(d%..JA', B', C'f,
(to'-1)(to'-2)dU'(21, ..Ja',..)
+ to'(to' — 1) O'(2l,..#0a', ..)
- 2(to'-1)(to'-2)(21,5', C'JdA',dB',dC')
2 (to' — 1)00' (21, . Afa',..)
- 2(to'- 1)(21,..JA', B', G'JdA', dB', 0(5'),
equations which may be verified by remarking that their sum is
to (to- 1) {0O(21', ..$«, ..)+U[(21', . .£0a, ..) + (021', . .Ja,..)]}
- (to - l) 2 |02l', ..JA, B, Gf + (21', .JA, B, CJdA, dB, 00)} = to'(to'- 1) &c.,
viz., this is the derivative with d of the equation
to (to — 1) U (21',. Ja,..) — (to — l) 2 (A', . .$yl, B, Gf — to' (to' — 1) &c.
46. Taking now U'— H, and therefore to' = 3to —6; putting also U=0, 00=0,
and writing as before
№ = (021,..$4', B', C'f,
№ =( 21 ,.JA', B', G'JdA', dB, 00'),
E^ = (dW,.JA, B, Gf,
F^=( 21', ..$4, 5, O#0A 05, 00),
Oil = (021,. Ja',..),
.Oil =( 2l,..$0a',..),