The inverse coefficients are
(“A ~f> gh, hf fg),
and hence the condition in order that the conic may touch the line ax + (3y + yz — 0 is
(A g\ h\ - gh, - hf, -fg\d, (3, yf = 0,
or, what is the same thing,
V (a/) + V (/3g) + V (yh) = 0.
Similarly the condition in order that the conic may touch the line lx + my + nz = 0 is
V (If) + V (mg) + V (nh) = 0. Hence if the conic touch the two lines, we have
V(/) : V (g) ' V (h) = V (fin) — V (7to) : f (yl) — f (an) : f (am) — f (/31),
or, what is the same thing,
f ■ g ■ h = /3)i + ym — 2 V (¡3ymn) : yl + an — 2 V (yanl) : am + ¡31 — 2 f (a/3lm),
which, since the radicals must be so taken that the product may be =a/3ylmn, gives
in all four conics: and these will be all real if the signs of (l, m, n) are the same
with, or opposite to those of (a, /3, y) respectively; which proves the theorem.
In particular since infinity is a line meeting the three sides produced; if the
given line meet the three sides produced, the system will contain four real parabolas
but, if the given line meets two sides and a side produced, there is not any real
parabola. In the latter case, as is obvious geometrically, the conics of the system are
all hyperbolas.
Any side of the triangle, and the line joining the opposite vertex with the point
of intersection of the side and given line, form a pair of lines passing through the
three points and meeting on the given line; such pair of lines is a conic of the
system; and we have thus three pairs of lines, each pair a conic of the system.
We may by what precedes form some idea of the nature of the system of conics
which pass through the three given points and touch the given line. In fact writing
at the point of contact the letters H, P, E, L according as the conic is a hyperbola,
parabola, ellipse, or pair of lines, then if the given line cut the three sides produced,
we have as in fig. 1.
Fig. 1.