a plexus of three curves, each of them of the order 2 (n — 1); any two of the three
curves intersect in 4(n — l)' 2 points; but (n — 1)- of these do not lie on the third
curve; the remaining 3 (n — l) 2 of them lie on all three of the curves, and they are
the critic centres of the involution.
21. More generally the critic centres lie on any curve whatever of the form
s x v,
= 0,
8 y U, 8 Z U
ByV, 8 Z V
and any such curve, viz. any curve of the order 2(?i — 1) passing through the 3 (n — 1 ) 2
critic centres, may be termed a diacritic curve.
22. For any one of the critic centres we have
8 X U : SyU : 8 Z U=8 X V : 8 y V : 8 z V=k : -1,
Avhich gives the value of k corresponding to the point in question.
23. The condition in order that the equation in k may have a twofold root is
Disc 1 . Disc 1 . (U+ k V) = 0,
or say
□ = 0,
where Disc 1 . Disc 1 . (U + kV), =□, is a function of the degree 2.3 (n — l) 2 {3 (n — l) 2 — 1}
in regard to the coefficients of TJ, V conjointly; but it is separately homogeneous, and
therefore of the degree 3 (n — l) 2 {3 (n — l) 2 — 1} in regard to each set of coefficients.
24. To each of the critic centres there corresponds a value of k. Hence if two
of the critic centres coincide, or say if there is a twofold critic centre, the equation
in k will have a twofold root. Now first if the curves U= 0, F=0 touch each
other (have a point of contact or twofold intersection) then the diacritic curves will
all touch (have a point of twofold intersection) at the point in question, which is
therefore a twofold critic centre. It may be remarked in passing that the diacritic
curves do not at the twofold critic centre touch the curves U— 0, F= 0. But
secondly the diacritic curves may touch at a point which is not a point of contact
of the curves TJ = 0, F= 0. Such a point is a twofold critic centre. In each of
these two cases the equation in k has a twofold root. Moreover, in the first case
the curve U+kV—0 corresponding to the twofold root has a node at the point of
contact of the two curves U— 0, F=0; in the second case the curve TJ + kV=tt
corresponding to the twofold root has the twofold centre (not a mere node but) a
cusp. And thirdly, without any twofold critic centre, two distinct critic centres may
give by the equations
8 X U : S y U : 8 Z U=8 X V : 8 y V : 8 z V=k : -1
the same value of k, and then the curve U+kV—0 corresponding to such value of
k is a curve having a node at each of the critic centres in question, that is, it has
two nodes.