Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 5)

9. The equation of the twofold centre locus is 
\lx + *Jy + \lz = 0, 
nr, in its rationalised form, 
x 2 + y 2 + z 2 — 2 yz — 2 zx — 2 xy = 0; 
the curve is therefore a conic, and it may be spoken of as the twofold centre conic. 
10. The equation of the one-with-twofold centre locus is 
a? + y 3 + z 3 — (yz 2 + y 2 z + zx 2 + z 2 x 4- xy 2 + x 2 y) + 3 xyz = 0, 
the curve is therefore a cubic, and it may be spoken of as the one-with-twofold 
centre cubic. 
11. The before-mentioned equation AT * + yT * + v~^ — 0 is satisfied by 
X : fi : v = a -3 : /3 -3 : 7 -3 , 
where a 4- /3 + 7 = 0, and it is very convenient to introduce these quantities a, /3, 7 into 
the formulae. 
12. The equation of the satellite line giving a twofold and one-with-twofold centre is 
- 3 + TT 3 H—3 — 0; 
a 3 /3 3 7 3 
the coordinates of the point of contact with the envelope are x : y : z = a* : ¡3* : y 4 . 
The equation in 6 gives 6 1 = 0 2 = — for the values corresponding to the twofold 
centre; and 9 3 = for the value corresponding to the one-with-twofold centre. 
The coordinates of the twofold centre, or cusp, are x : y : z = a 2 : ¡3 2 : y 2 . 
The coordinates of the one-with-twofold centre, or node, are 
x : y \ z = a 2 (/3-y) : ¡3 2 (y-a) : y^z-fi). 
The equation of the tangent at the cusp is 
(£ —7)^ + (7- a )| + 0—/3)- = 0. 
a P 7 
The equation of the line joining the cusp and the node, which line is also one of 
the tangents at the node is 
x y z 
- + 3 + - = 0. 
a /3 7 
The equation of the other tangent at the node is 
(2/3 7 + of) 2 + (2 7 a + /3») I + (2a/3 + ,») - = 0. 
a 7

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