Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 5)

18. In particular, taking in succession for the point (a, b, c) the point of inter 
section of the line Xx + yy + vz = 0, with the lines x = 0, y — 0, z — 0, x + y + z = 0, the 
critic centres lie on the conics 
v fi 2 (v - fi) _ Q 
y Z X + y + z 
X v 2 (X — v) _ q 
Z X X+y+z 
/f _ x _ 2(y — X) _ 0 
x y x + y + z 
y — v v — X X — y 
~T~ "T" V' : 
X y z 
which are useful for the construction of the critic centres for a given line Xx + yy + vz = 0. 
The last of the four conics passes through the point (1, 1, 1) which is the harmonic of 
the line x + y+z = 0 in regard to the triangle formed by the lines x = 0, y = 0, 0 = 0; 
and I call it the harmonic conic. 
Article Nos. 19 to 21. General Formulce for the Critic Centres. 
19. I consider the involution 
xyz + k (x + y + z'f (Xx + +y + vz) = 0. 
Writing the equation in the form 
and differentiating with regard to x, y, z respectively, we obtain 
— kX (x + y + zf = yz (- x + y + z), 
— ky (x + y + z) 3 = zx ( x — y + z), 
— kv(x+y+z) 3 = xy( x + y — z), 
which determine the coordinate ratios x : y : z of the node or critic centre ; and the 
corresponding value of k. 
20. Writing the equations under the form 
— k(x+ y+zf _ —x + y + z _x — y + z _x + y — z 2 
xyz Xx yy vz 6’ 
where 6 is an auxiliary parameter to be determined, we find

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