Consider any three lines x, y, z, a line S, and the line T\ then the harmoconics
being all as to the same line T, we have the theorem
Harmoconic of intersection of x, S in regard to pair of lines y, z,
of y, S
of 2, S
z, x,
all pass through the same three points.
And taking x — 0, y = 0, z = 0 for the equations of the lines x, y, z; Xx + /zy + vz = 0
for the equation of the line S; and x + y + z = 0 for the equation of the line T, the
harmoconics just spoken of are the above-mentioned three conics respectively.
59. In fact, considering the harmoconic of intersection of x, S in regard to the
pair y, 0; and taking x', y', z' as the coordinates of a point P of the harmoconic,
then the equation of the line AP is
x, y, z = 0,
x', y', z'
0, v, -fi
which is the line through the last-mentioned point and the point (y = 0, z = 0).
The line from the point A to the point (y — 0, z = 0) is
y Z ' - Z y' = 0.
60. By the definition of the harmoconic, the last-mentioned two lines are harmonics
in regard to the lines y = 0, 0 = 0; that is, we have for the equation of the harmoconic
in question
— y'(fix' + /zy' + vz) + z (vx + /zy' + vz') = 0 ;
this equation may also be written
(vz' - /iy) O' + y’ + z') - 2 (v - fi) y'z' = 0,
or, what is the same thing,
X + y' + z'
whence writing x, y, z in place of x, y', z\ we see that this harmoconic is in fact the
first of the above-mentioned three conics.