Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 5)

In fact the tangents at the node or critic centre are given by the equation 
+ ..., -9-^, ...) (cc, y, = 0, 
the other two critic centres are given as the intersection of the line 
with the conic 
I py , 
9 +. A 9 + ¡x 
9 + v 
= 0, 
fJL — V V — A X — IX ~ 
+ + = 0; 
X y z 
the theorem will be true if the pair of tangents and the last-mentioned conic are cut 
harmonically by the last-mentioned line. Now in general the condition in order that 
the line %x + yy + = 0, may cut harmonically the conics (a, b, c, f g, K§x, y, zf and 
(a', b', c', /', g', h') (x, y, zf = 0 is 
(be' + b'c - 2ff, ..., gh! + g'h - af' - a'f ..y, £) 2 = 0, 
and if a' — b' = c' = 0, then the condition is 
(- 2Iff, ... gh' + g'h —af, ...$£ y, O 2 = 0. 
68. In the present case the equations of the two conics may be written 
(0 + 4X, ... - 9- 2 ^-, ...) (x, y, zf = 0, 
(0, ..., fi-v, ...$> 3 y, zf = 0, 
and we have 
gh’ + g% - af = - ($ + ?£) (X - g) - (e + ff) (v - X) - 0* - ») (6 + iX), 
— 0 (X — /x + /x — v + v — X) 
-1- -Q (— vX 1 + v\fi — \/xv — X 2 /x) 4- 4X (/x — v), 
and the condition is 
2X 2 
-Q ), ... (ji-v 
69. Writing this in the form 
-4X , 
2 fjiv 
2X 2 
4x), ... 
9 + X 9 y, 
’ 0+ „) ~ 
v) (9 + 
9 ) \9 + X 
4- 2 2 (/x — v) ( -Q — 2X 
X 2 
(9 + /x) (9 + y) 
= 0,

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