Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 5)

6. Defective Hyperbolas with a diameter. 
Sp. 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45. 
7. Parabolic Hyperbolas without a diameter. 
Sp. 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52. 
8. Parabolic Hyperbolas with a diameter. 
Sp. 53, 54, 55, 56, 56', 56". 
9. Hyperbolisms of the hyperbola. 
Without a diameter, Sp. 57, 58, 59. With a diameter, Sp. 60. Sp. 59 has a centre. 
10. Hyperbolisms of the ellipse. 
Without a diameter, Sp. 61, 62. With a diameter, Sp. 63. Sp. 62 has a centre. 
11. Hyperbolisms of the parabola. 
Without a diameter, Sp. 64. With a diameter, Sp. 65. 
12. Trident Curve, Sp. 66. 
13. Divergent Parabolas. Sp. 67, 68, 69, 70, 71. 
14. Cubical Parabola. Sp. 72. 
PlücJcers Classification. Article Nos. 47 to 49. 
47. Pliicker in the first instance obtains by analytical considerations his six head 
divisions, corresponding to the seven divisions in the present Memoir, the Central 
Hyperbolisms and the Parabolic Hyperbolisms forming with him a single division. The 
equations are obtained in the form already mentioned, the only difference being that he 
writes z = l; his six head divisions with their equations thus are 
Parabolic Hyperbolas 
Divergent Parabolas 
Trident Curve 
Cubical Parabola 
pqr + ps = 0, 
(p + *) (q 2 + \p) + p (q + <r) = 0, 
p(q 2 + K) + p(q +a) = 0, 
p 3 + \q 2 + p(p + er) = 0, 
p(p 2 + \q) + p = 0, 
p 3 + ps = 0. 
48. He then divides the Hyperbolas into the redundant and defective. The 
redundant hyperbolas are then divided as they have no osculating asymptote, one 
osculating asymptote, or three osculating asymptotes ; and each of these according as 
the asymptotes form a triangle or meet in a point. As regards the defective hyperbolas 
he attends to the imaginary asymptotes, represented by means of their real point of 
intersection, the “ asymptote-point,” and the division is thus similar to that of the 
redundant hyperbolas, viz. the defective hyperbolas are distinguished according as they 
have no osculating asymptote, a real osculating asymptote, or three osculating asymp-

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