Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 5)

We have therefore 
-2/3\/3-^ = -20, a - ~| = - 4, 
14 _14VS 
^ 3V3 9 
so that the equation of the parabola is 
{sf-(®- J 5 t )' / §) !, = -¥(*-$); 
that of the other parabola is of course obtained by merely changing the sign of V3. 
76. From the foregoing results we may trace the curve, but this may be done 
somewhat more easily by means of polar coordinates, viz. writing x—r cos 0, y = r sin 0, 
and therefore z — 1 — r cos 0, we have 
that is 
v^r.2 cos l 0 + y/ 1 — r cos 0 = 0, 
r (cos 0 + 8 cos 2 \ 0) = 1 ; 
or since 
cos 0=1 — 8 sin 2 ^ 0 cos 2 \ 0, 
we have 
= 1—8 cos 2 \ 0 + 8 cos 4 1 0, 
cos 0 + 8 cos 4 \ 0 = (1 — 4 cos 2 1 0) 2 
= (— 1 — 2 cos^-0) 2 , 
and the equation is 
0 = 0° gives r = a, 
1 (1 + 2 cos | 0) 2 ’ 
0 = 180° gives r= 1, 0 = 240° gives r = oo, 0 = 360° gives r = 1, 
values which agree with the results obtained by rectangular coordinates. 
77. The form is shown in the figure; we see that the curve consists of a lower 
branch without any singularity; and of an upper branch which cuts itself in the 
78. The equation of the twofold centre locus (making in the form vx + \/y + *Jz = Q, 
the foregoing transformation) is 
that is 
V2 i x + yi) + ( x ~ yi) + Vl — x = 0, 
X + ViC 2 + y 2 = 1 — X, 
/l Jx 2 + y 2 = 1 — lx, 

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