Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 5)

by the two real lines 
106. The critic centres are given by the equations 
2 (Aa? + /xy) — 3v = 0, 
A« 2 — 2 (A + /x) xy + /,t/y 2 = 0; 
or, what is the same thing, the} r are the intersections of the line 
2 (Xx + /xy) — 3r = 0 
Xx — [(A -(- fx) + VA 2 -f- A/X -(- yUr] y. 
107. The groups are 
Hyperbolas © Redundant. No osculating asymptote. 
The satellite line not parallel to any asymptote, that is A = 0, /x = 0, A + /x = 0, We 
have the two groups 
VII. Satellite line does not pass through asymptote point (v not = 0). 
VIII. Satellite line passes through asymptote point (v = 0). 
Hyperbolas © Redundant. One osculating asymptote. Satellite line is parallel to 
an asymptote, suppose to the asymptote x = 0; that is, /x = 0, or the satellite line is 
Air + v = 0. We have only the group 
Hyperbolas © Redundant. Three osculating asymptotes. Satellite line lies at 
infinity, that is, A = 0, ¡x = 0. We have only the group 
The Hyperbolas © Defective. Article Nos. 108 to 110. 
108. The equation may be taken to be 
^ x {x" + y 2 ) + kz 2 (Xx + ¡xy + vz) = 0, 
or writing z= 1, then it is 
^ x (x 2 + y 2 ) + k (Xx + /xy + v) = 0, 
and if to fix the ideas we take the case where the two imaginary, asymptotes are 
the asymptotes of a circle, then x, y will be ordinary rectangular coordinates. 
109. The critic centres are given by the equations 
2 (\x + /xy) — Sv= 0, 
3 /xx 2 — 2A xy + /xy 2 = 0, 
that is they are the intersections of the line 2 (\x + /xy) — Sv = 0 (which is a line 
parallel to the satellite line, on the other side of the asymptote point and at a 
distance from it = f distance of satellite line) by the pair of lines 
S/xx = (A + Va 2 — 3/x 2 ) y.

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