Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 5)

and we have Plucker’s six equations, which may be considered as included in the 
three equations 
to = r(r — l) — 2y — 3 (w + b), 
/3 = Sr {r — 2) — 6y — 8 (n + S-), 
r = to (to — 1) — 2h — 3/3. 
These two systems constitute together a system of six equations between the ten 
quantities to, r, n, a, /3, b, g, h, x, y. Considering to, r, x, b as arbitrary, the six 
equations determine the remaining quantities n, a, /3, h, x, y. 
The curve 
ae — 4 bd + 3c' I 2 = 0, ace + 2 bed — ad? — b?e — c 3 = 0, 
is a sextic curve, the edge of regression of the sextic torse 
(ae — 4bd + 3c 2 ) 3 — 27 (ace + 2bed — ad? — №e — c 3 ) 2 = 0, 
and we have in this case, as is well known, 
m, r, n, a, /3, Sr, g, h, x, y 
= 6, 6, 4, 0, 4, 0, 3, 6, 4, 6. 
But putting as above c = 0, then instead of the sextic curve we have the excubo- 
quartic curve ae — 4bd = 0, ad? + l?e = 0, which is a curve having two stationary tangents, 
viz. these are the lines (a=0, 6 = 0) and (d = 0, e = 0), which are in fact given along 
with the curve, by the foregoing equations ae — 4bd = 0, ad 2 + b 2 e = 0. We have in this 
case Sr = 2, and the system is thus found to be 
w, r, n, a, /8, S-, g, h, x, y 
= 4, 6, 4, 0, 0, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 
it was in fact the consideration of this case which led me to take account of the new 
singularity of the stationary tangent lines. 
I take the opportunity of referring to a most valuable and interesting paper by 
Schwarz, “De superficiebus in planum explicabilibus primorum septem ordinum,” Crelle, 
t. lxiv. (1864), pp. 1—16. The author, after referring to my paper “ On the deve 
lopable derived from an equation of the fifth order,” Cambridge and Dublin Mathe 
matical Journal, t. v. (1850), pp. 152—159, [86], enters into the enquiry there suggested 
as to the means of ascertaining the degree of the c planarity’ of a developable surface. 
He starts from certain theorems derived from Riemann’s theory of transcendental 
functions, viz.: If an algebraical (plane) curve of the order r has |(r-1) (r -1) - p 
double points (nodes or cusps), then the coordinates of a point of the curve may be 
expressed rationally 
If p = 0, that is, if the curve has the maximum number of double points, by a 
single parameter.

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