Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 5)

rr . ¿ _ Ti 
r jnir>T»îilWIllliitiflÉHtyr P ftllTfT ^ 1 'ikVVWtrili 
that is, if 
A, + 
+ + 
V + 
= 0, 
A#! + 
yLiOto + 
va 3 + 
p<* 4 
= 0, 
A/?i + 
gß-i + 
vß?, + 
= 0, 
A (c x + Yj) 
+ + (Ca + Y2) + 
V (c 3 + y 3 ) 
+ p (pi + Y4) 
= 0, 
ACiYi + 
yc. 2 y, + 
vc 3 Ys + 
pCi Y4 
= 0 : 
and eliminating from these equations (A, ¡i, v, p), we find the above-mentioned relation 
between a lt ft 1} y 1} c 1} &c.; which proves the theorem. 
Ci 7i, 
[Vol. iv. pp. 70, 71.] 
1771. (Proposed by Professor Cayley.)—Given a circle and a line, it is required 
to find a parabola, having the line for its directrix, and the circle for a circle of 
2. Solution by the Proposer. 
Let a? + y 2 — 1 = 0 be the equation of the given circle, x = m that of the given 
line. Taking on the circle an arbitrary point (cos 0, sin 6), we may find a parabola 
having the given line for its directrix, and touching the circle at the last-mentioned 
point; viz., the equation of the parabola is found to be 
y 2 — 2y sin 9 (1 + 2 cos 2 9 — 2m cos 9) — 4# cos 2 9 (cos 9 — m) + 1+3 cos 2 9 — 4m cos 9=0. 
{There is no difficulty in verifying that this parabola has for its directrix the line 
x — m = 0, that the equation is satisfied by the values x = cos 9, y = sin 9, and that the 
derived equation is satisfied by the values x = cos 9, y = sin 9, ^ = — cot 9.) 
Representing for a moment the left-hand side of the equation by U, we have identically 
U — cos 2 9 (x 2 + y 2 — 1) 
= y 2 sin 2 9 — a? cos 2 9 — 2y sin 9 (1 + 2 cos 2 9 — 2m cos 9) — 4x cos 2 9 (cos 9 — m) 
+ 1 + 4 cos 2 9 — 4m cos 9, 
= (;y sin 9 + x cos 9 — 1) {y sin 9 — x cos 9 — 1 — 4 cos 2 9 + 4m cos 9). 
Hence to find the intersections of the parabola with the circle, we have first 
x 2 + y 2 — 1 = 0, y sin 9 + x cos $ — 1=0, 
giving the point (cos 9, sin 9) twice, since y sin 9 + x cos 0—1 = 0 is the equation of the 
tangent to the circle at the point in question; and secondly 
x 2 + y 2 — 1 = 0, y sin 9 — x cos 0—1—4 cos 2 0 + 4m cos 0 = 0,

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