Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 5)

Hence in order that the roots of the quartic may be of the assumed form, 
a = m + f® + Jp + q V®, &c., 
where m, p, q, ® are rational, and where also 
V® Jp + q V® Jp — q V®= s, a rational function, 
the necessary and sufficient conditions are that the quartic should be such that the 
reducing cubic 
v? — Xu 2 + — v 2 = 0 
(whose roots are (a + /3 — 7 — 8) 2 , (a + 7 — /3 — 8) 2 , (a + 8 — ¡3 — y) 2 ) may have one rational 
root ®, and moreover that the function 
— A® 2 + (A 2 — f) ® — Sv 
shall be the square of a rational function s. This being so, the roots of the quartic 
will be of the assumed form 
a = m + V® + Jp + q V®, &c.; 
and from what precedes, it is clear that any function of the roots of the quartic 
which remains unaltered by the cyclical substitution a/3yS, or what is the same thing, 
any function of the form 
<P («, /3, 7, 8) + $ (/3, 7, 8, a) + (f) (7, 8, a, /3) + cf> (8, a, /3, 7) 
will be a rational function of m, ®, p, q, s, and consequently of the coefficients of the 
quartic. The above are the conditions in order that a quartic equation may be of 
the Abelian form. 
It may be as well to remark that, assuming only the system of equations 
a = m + V® + Vt , 
¡3 = m — V ® 4- VT, 
7 = m + V® — Vt , 
8 = m — V® — VT', 
then any rational function of a, /3, 7, 8 which remains unaltered by the cyclical sub 
stitution a/378 will be a rational function of ®, T + T', TT', VTT'(T — T'), V® (T — T'), 
V© vTT. In fact, suppose such a function contains the term 
(V©)“ (ffy (fry ; 
then it will contain the four terms 
( V©)«( v"r>( fry, 
(_ v©)“ ( fry (- ff )y, 
( V©)“ (- fry (- fry, 
(_ V©)* (- fry ( fr )y,

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