Article Nos. 308 to 317.—Hermite’s Canonical form of the quintic.
308. It was remarked that M. Hermite’s investigations are conducted by means
of a canonical form, viz. if A(=J, =(7) be the quartinvariant of the given quintic
(a, h, c, d, e, f\x, y) 5 , then he in fact finds (X, Y) linear functions of (x, y) such that
we have
(a, h, c, d, e, f\x, yf = {X, y, fk, fk, y\ X'$X, Yf
(viz. in the transformed form the two mean coefficients are equal ; this is a convenient
assumption made in order to render the transformation completely definite, rather than
an absolutely necessary one) ; and where moreover the quadricovariant B of the trans
formed form is
= *Jaxy,
or, what is the same thing, the coefficients (X, y, fk, fk, y, X') of the transformed form
are connected by the relations
Xy — 4>y fk + 3k = 0, 'j
X'y — 4y fk + 3k = 0, :
XX' — 3yy + 2k = f A, y
the advantage is a great simplicity in the forms of the several covariants, which
simplicity arises in a great measure from the existence of the very simple covariant
d cl
operator y . (viz. operating therewith on any covariant we obtain again a covariant).
Cbj\- CL 1
309. Reversing the order of the several steps, the theory of M. Hermite’s trans
formation may be established as follows:
Starting from the quintic
(a, h, c, d, e, f\x, y)\
and considering the quadricovariant thereof
(a, /3, f§x, y) 2 B
(fx, /3, 7) are of the degree 2), and also the linear covariant
Px + Qy J
((P, Q) are of the degree 5), we have
(3--4>(xy = A, G
and moreover
(a, /3. 7-Py = -C,
viz. the expression on the left hand, which is of the degree 12, and which is obviously
an invariant, is = — C, where C is (ut supra)
C = 9L + JK = -9U+GM.
c. VI.