Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 6)

Geometry : 
Abstract Geometry, 413 
Notices of Communications to London Mathematical Society, 387 
Transformation of Plane Curves, 384 ; Correspondence, 385 
Curves satisfying given Conditions, 406, 407 
Polyzomal Curves, 414 
Reciprocal Surfaces, 411, 415, 416 
Cubic Surfaces, 412 
Skew Surfaces, 410; Developable, 398 
Singularity of Surfaces, 402 
Locus and Envelope in regard to a Triangle, 394, 396 
Casey’s Equation, 395 
Conics, 389, 390, 392, 393; Pascal’s Theorem, 401, 403 
Cubical divergent Parabolas, 399 
Cubic Curves in pencil of six lines, 400 
Analysis : 
Logarithms of Imaginary Quantities, 386 
Theory of Numbers, Specimen Table M = a a № (Mod. N), 397 
Symmetric Functions, Elimination, Arc., 391, 408, 409 
Quantics, eighth Memoir, 405 
Infinitesimal Rotations, 388 
Euler’s Memoir of 1758 on Rotation of a Solid Body, 404

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