(2*1, 1, 1)
( • ) = ?n 2 + 2m?i + fyi 2 — 7m — tyn -1- 21 — fa,
( I ) = ^m 2 + 2mw + w 2 —-fm — 7w + 18 — |a.
73. The remainder of this table, being the part where the symbols (•) and (/)
do not occur, I present under a somewhat different form as follows:
= 0,
(ia, i)
= 0,
(3*1, 2)
= 0,
(3*1, 1, 1)
= 0,
(2, 3)
-(2*1, 3)
= 0,
(2, 2, 1)
- (2*1, 2, 1)
= n — 3,
(2, 1, 1, 1)
-(2*1, 1, 1, 1)
= hi n - 3) ( n - 4),
Æ 4)
-(1*1, 4)
= 1,
(Ï, 1, 3)
- (1*1, 1, 3)
= (2*1, 3) + (n — 3),
(Ï. 2, 2)
-(1*1, 2, 2)
= 3 (n — 3) + * — 1,
(ï, T 1, 2)
-(1*1, 1, 1, 2)
= (2*1, 1, 2) + *(n-
(I, 1, 1, 1,
1) - (1*1, 1, 1, 1,
1) = (2*1, 1, 1, 1).
These results relating to a cusp, are useful for the investigations contained in the
Second Memoir.
It will be noticed that the symbols which contain 2*1 are not, like those which
contain 2, symmetrical in regard to (m, n): the interchange of (m, n) would of course
imply the change of a cusp into an inflexion, and would therefore give rise to a new
symbol such as 2tl; but I have not thought it necessary to consider the formulae
which contain this new symbol.
Investigations in extension of those of De JoNQUiiSRES in relation to the contacts of a
Curve of the order r with a given curve. Article Nos. 74 to 93.
74. De Jonquieres has given a formula for the number of curves C r of the
order r which have with a given curve XJ m of the mth order t contacts of the orders
a, b, c, &c. respectively, which besides pass through p points distributed at pleasure
on the curve U m (this includes the case of contacts of any orders at given points of
the curve U m ), and which moreover satisfy any other \r (r + 3) — (a 4- b + c + &c.) — p