Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 6)

[4° 6 
beyond the limits within which the present formulae are applicable ; but this I am not 
in a position to enter upon. If the extended formulae were obtained, it would of 
course be an interesting verification or application of them to deduce from them the 
complete series of expressions (1::), (2.\)...(1, 1, 1, 1, 1) for the number of the conics 
which satisfy given conditions of contact with a given curve, and besides pass through 
the requisite number of given points. It will be recollected that throughout these last 
investigations, I have put De Jonquieres’ p = 0; that is, I have not considered the case 
of the curves G r which (among the conditions satisfied by them) have with the curve 
U m contacts of given orders at given points of the curve; it is probable that the 
general formulae containing the number p admit of extensions and transformations 
analogous to the formulae in which p is put = 0, but this is a question which I have 
not considered. 
93. The set of equations (a) = [a], (a, b) = [a] [6] + [a, b], &c., considered irrespectively 
of the meaning of the symbols contained therein, gives rise to an analytical question 
which is considered in Annex No. 7. 
The question of the conics satisfying given conditions of contact is considered from 
a different point of view in my Second Memoir above referred to. 
Annex No. 1 (referred to in the notice of De JoNQUikREs’ memoir of 1861).— On the 
form of the equation of the curves of a series of given index. 
To obtain the general form of the equation of the curves C n of a series of the 
index iV, it is to be observed that the equation of any such curve is always included in 
an equation of the order n in the coordinates, containing linearly and homogeneously 
certain parameters a, b, c,..; this is universally the case, as we may, if we please, take 
the parameters (a, b, c,..) to be the coefficients of the general equation of the order n; 
but it is convenient to make use of any linear relations between these coefficients so 
as to reduce as far as possible the number of the parameters. Assume that the 
number of the parameters is = « +1, then in order that the curve should form a 
series (that is, satisfy £?i(w + 3)— 1 conditions), we must have a (<w — 1) fold relation 
between the parameters, or, what is the same thing, taking the parameters to be the 
coordinates of a point in «-dimensional space, say the parametric point, the point in 
question must be situate on a («-l)fold locus. Moreover, the condition that the curve 
shall pass through a given point establishes between the parameters a linear relation 
(viz. that expressed by the original equation of the curve regarding the coordinates 
therein as belonging to the given point, and therefore as constants); that is, when the 
curve passes through a given point, the corresponding positions of the parametric point 
are given as the intersections of the («—l)fold locus by an omal onefold locus; the 
number of the curves is therefore equal to the number of these intersections, that is, to 
the order of the (« — 1) fold locus; or the index of the series being assumed to be = N, 
the order of the («— 1) fold locus must be also = iV. That is, the general form of the 
equation of the curves G n which form a series of the index N, is that of an equation

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