Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 6)

of the sextic surface leads to the following values (agreeing with those obtained from 
the formulae by writing therein m = n = 2, a = 6), viz. 
(1 : :) =6, = 2m + n, 
(1, 1 .'.) = 4, = 2m 2 + 2 mn + f n 2 — 2m — \n — fa, 
(2.-.) =6, = a, 
(3 :) =4, = — 4m — 3n + 3a. 
I remark that the section by an arbitrary plane is a sextic curve having 6 cusps and 
4 nodes; it is therefore a iinicurscil sextic; this suggests the theorem that the sextic 
surface is also unicursal, viz. that the coordinates are expressible rationally in terms of 
two parameters ; I have found that this is in fact the case. In doing this there is 
no loss of generality in supposing that a = b = c = 1; and assuming that this is so, 
and putting also — 1 + h = k, 1 +h — k 1} and therefore 2h = k + k lf we have 
A — — 3 kki, 
B = — kk\w — (k + ki) z, 
G = — x 2 — y 2 — z 2 + (k + h) (xy — zw), 
D — 3z (2xy — zw). 
The equation of the sextic surface being, as before, 
A 2 D 2 + 4>AC 3 + 4 B 3 D - 3 B 2 G 2 - 6 A BCD = 0, 
I say that this equation is satisfied on writing therein 
+ y = Y"~3fc(i“ ^ sin 
- y = \/\ (1 + k a) cos <p, 
= 1, 
w = ^2a — co8?(f) + ^2a — sin 2 <p, 
where (a, </>) are arbitrary. In fact these values give 
%A = — kk\ cos 2 cp — kk x sin 2 <£, 
B = — k (2a&! + 1) cos 2 cf) — k\ (2ak +1) sin 2 <p, 
C = — k ( ak\ + 2) cos 2 <p — k\a ( ak + 2) sin 2 (p, 
£D = — ka 2 cos 2 (f> — k x a 2 sin 2 (p, 
whence, <w being arbitrary, we have 
±(A, B, C, D$o>, l) 3 
= — [A: cos 2 <p (k\co + 1) + k\ sin 2 (p (kco + 1)] (a) + a) 2 ,

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