3 arbitrary constants introduced by the homologous transformation; and they are
consequently functions of only the coefficients of the given pencil of 42) — 2 lines;
this being so, it is obvious that they will be respectively equal to absolute invariants
of the pencil of 42) — 2 lines. The number of the absolute invariants of the general
curve of the order D + 1 is = £ (2) + 1) (2) + 4) + 1 — 9, but there is a reduction = 1, for
each of the dps, hence in the present case the number is ^ (2) + 1) (2) + 4) — \ (2) 2 — 32)) — 8,
= 42) — 6; and there are thus 42) — 6 absolute invariants of the curve, each of them
equal to an absolute invariant of the pencil; that is, of the 42) — 5 absolute invariants
of the pencil, there are 42) — 6, each of them equal to an absolute invariant of the
curve, and consequently independent of the position of the point 0' on the curve;
which is the theorem which was to be proved. I believe the reasoning is quite
correct, but there are some points in it which require further examination, it is
therefore given subject to any correction which may hereafter appear to be necessary.
30. The general subject may be illustrated by considerations belonging to solid
geometry. If we imagine the original curve and the transformed curve as situate in
different planes, then joining each point of the original curve with the corresponding-
point on the transformed curve, we have a series of lines forming a scroll (skew
surface): if the two curves are of the orders n, n' respectively, then the complete
section by the plane of the original curve is made up of this curve of the order n,
and of n' generating lines; and similarly the complete section by the plane of the
transformed curve is made up of this curve of the order n\ and of n generating
lines. Conversely, given a scroll of the order n + n\ any two sections of this scroll,
being in general curves of the same order n + n, are rational transformations the one
of the other; but for the general scroll of the order n + n', it is not possible to find
sections breaking up as above.