and similarly
log P' = log r + id',
\ogP-\ogP' = \og~ + i(0-0'-(f)),
so that, by what precedes, log P — log P', if the chord P'P, considered as drawn from
P' to P, cuts the negative part of the axis of x upwards, is = log p, + 2iir; if the
chord cuts the negative part of the axis of x downwards, it is = log p, — 2irr, and
in every other case it is = log -p.
P' to P, cuts the negative part of the axis of x upwards, is = log ™ + 2iir ; if the
It is to be remarked that log P, as above defined, is a continuous function of
P (= x + iy), with the single exception that, if the point P move from above to below
or from below to above the negative part of the axis of x, the imaginary part of
the logarithm changes from + itr to — iir, or from — iir to + iir, in the two cases
respectively. And we are thus led to another mode of looking at the question.
Consider the integral
The value of the integral may depend on the series of values assumed by the variable
z as it passes from the limit z — P’ to the limit z = P, or say it may depend on the
path of the variable z; in order to give the notation a precise signification, we must
therefore fix the path of the variable z; and I do this by taking the path to be
the right line P'P. Write now z = P'.u, we have — = - ; z = P’ gives u = 1; z = P
z u °
gives u = jp; and it is easy to see that, the path of ^ being along the right line
; and it is easy to see that, the path of ^ being along the right line
P' to P, that of u is along the right line 1
the point the
coordinates whereof are # = 1, y = 0, to the point p-,
We have thus
f p dz __ l" p + p/ du
Jp> z~ Ji u
the path in each case being a right line as above. The indefinite integral
P . .....
and as u passes from 1 to p, there is no discontinuity m the value <
and as u passes from 1 to there is no discontinuity in the value of log u; the