Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 6)

51. The six nodal rays are not, the fifteen mere lines are, facultative. Hence 
b' = p' = 15; ¿' = 15. 
52. Resuming the equation W (a, b, c, f, g, h\X, Y, Z) 2 + 2kXYZ = 0, the equation 
of the Hessian surface is found to be 
KW 2 (a, b, c, f, g, h%X, Y, Zf 
4- 2kW{(a, b, c, f g, h\X, Y, Z) 2 (FX + GY + HZ) - 3KXYZ] 
- k 2 {a 2 X 4 + b 2 Y 4 + c 2 Z 4 - 2be Y 2 Z 2 - 2caZ 2 X 2 - 2abX 2 Y 2 
- 4XYZ[(<*/+ gh) X + (bg + hf) Y + (ch +fg) Z]} = 0. 
(A, B, C, F, G, H) = (be —f 2 , ca — g 2 , ab — h 2 , gh — af, hf — bg, fg — ch), 
K = abc — af 2 — bg 2 — ch 2 + 2fgh. 
The Hessian and the cubic intersect in an indecomposable curve, which is the spinode 
curve; that is, spinode curve is a complete intersection 3x4; cr' = 12. 
The equations of the spinode curve may be written in the simplified form 
W(a, b, o, f g, h\X, Y, Z) 2 + 2kXYZ=0, 
+ 8 kX YZ (afX + bg Y + chZ) 
- k 2 [a 2 X 4 + b 2 Y 4 + c 2 Z 4 - 2bcY 2 Z 2 - 2caZ 2 X 2 - 2abX 2 Y 2 } = 0; 
and it appears hereby that the node C 2 is a sixfold point on the curve, the tangents 
of the curve in fact coinciding with the six rays. 
Each of the 15 lines touches the spinode curve twice; in fact, for the line 12 
we have X = 0, W = 0; and substituting in the equations of the spinode curve, we have 
(bY 2 — cZ 2 ) = 0; that is, we have the two points of contact X = 0, W=0, Y^lb=±Z^Ic. 
Hence /3' = 30. 
Reciprocal Surface. 
53. The equation is found by equating to zero the discriminant of the ternary 
cubic function 
(Xx+ Yy + Zz) (a, b, c, f, g, h\X, Y, Z) 2 — 2kwXYZ, 
viz. the discriminant contains the factor w 2 which is to be thrown out, thus reducing 
the order to n = 10. 
The ternary cubic, multiplying by 3 to avoid fractions, is 
X 3 , Y 3 , Z 3 , 3Y 2 Z , 3ZX , 3X 2 Y , 3YZ 2 , SZX 2 , 3XY 2 , 6XYZ, 
3ax, 3by, 3cz, bz 4- 2fy, cx + 2gz, ay + 2hx, cy + 2fz, az + 2gx, bx + 2hy, fx + gy + hz - ho. 

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