Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 6)

March 26, 1868. pp. 61—63. 
Prof. Cayley made some remarks on a mode of generation of a sibi-reciprocal 
surface, that is, a surface the reciprocal of which is of the same order and has the 
same singularities as the original surface. 
If a surface be considered as the envelope of a plane varying according to given 
conditions, this is a mode of generation which is essentially not sibi-reciprocal; the 
reciprocal surface is given as the locus of a point varying according to the reciprocal 
conditions. But if a surface be considered as the envelope of a quadric surface 
varying according to given conditions, then the reciprocal surface is given as the 
envelope of a quadric surface varying according to the reciprocal conditions; and if 
the conditions be sibi-reciprocal, it follows that the surface is a sibi-reciprocal surface. 
For instance, considering the surface which is the envelope of a quadric surface 
touching each of 8 given lines; the reciprocal surface is here the envelope of a quadric 
surface touching each of 8 given lines; that is, the surface is sibi-reciprocal. So 
again, when a quadric surface is subjected to the condition that 4 given points shall 
be in regard thereto a conjugate system, this is equivalent to the condition that 4 
given planes shall be in regard thereto a conjugate system—or the condition is sibi- 
reciprocal ; analytically the quadric surface ax 2 + by- + cz 2 + dw 2 = 0 is a quadric surface 
subjected to a sibi-reciprocal system of six conditions. Impose on the quadric surface 
two more sibi-reciprocal conditions,—for instance, that it shall pass through a given 
point and touch a given plane,—the envelope of the quadric will be a sibi-reciprocal 
surface. It was noticed that in this case the envelope was a surface of the order 
(= class) 12, and having (besides other singularities) the singularities of a conical point 
with a tangent cone of the class 3, and of a curve of plane contact of the order 3. 
In the foregoing instances the number of conditions imposed upon the quadric surface 
is 8; but it may be 7, or even a smaller number. An instance was given of the 
case of 7 conditions, viz.,—the quadric surface is taken to be ax 2 + by- + cz- + dw- — 0 
(6 conditions) with a relation of the form 
Abe + Bca + Gab + Fad + Gbd + Hcd = 0 
between the coefficients (1 condition); this last condition is at once seen to be sibi- 
reciprocal ; and the envelope is consequently a sibi-reciprocal surface—viz., it is a 
surface of the order (= class) 4, with 16 conical points and 16 conics of plane contact. 
It is the surface called by Prof. Cayley the “ tetrahedroid,” (see his paper “Sur la 
surface des ondes,” Liouv. tom. XL (1846), pp. 291—296 [47]), being in fact a homo 
graphic transformation of Fresnel’s Wave Surface. 
{Prof. Cayley adds an observation which has since occurred to him. If the quadric 
surface ac& + by 2 + cz 2 + dw 2 = 0, be subjected to touch a given line, this imposes on 
the coefficients a, b, c, d, a relation of the above form, viz., the relation is 
A 2 bc + B’-ca + G-ab + F-ad + G-bd + li-cd = 0; 
where A, B. G, F, G, H are the “six coordinates” of the given line, and satisfy 
therefore the relation AF+BG+CH=0. It is easy to see that there are 8 lines for 
which the squared coordinates have the same values A 2 , B 2 , G 2 , F 2 , G 2 , H 2 ; these 
8 lines are symmetrically situate in regard to the tetrahedron of coordinates, and

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