Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 6)

99. The equations of the spinode curve may be written in the simplified form 
XZW + Y*Z + (a, b, c, d\X, F) 3 = 0, 
4Z (a, b, c, d][X, F) 3 + 3 (4ac — 3b 2 , ad, bd, cd, d 2 \X, F) 4 = 0, 
the line X = 0, F= 0 here appearing as a triple line on the second surface; the 
curve is a partial intersection, 3x4 — 3. 
The node (7 2 is a triple point on the curve, the tangents being the nodal rays. 
The node B 3 is a quintuple point, one tangent being X = 0, 3dY+ 4<Z = 0, and the 
other tangents being given by Z = 0, (4ac - 3b 2 , ad, bd, cd, d 2 \X, F) 4 = 0. 
Each of the facultative lines is a double tangent to the curve, or we have /3' = 6. 
Reciprocal Surface. 
100. Comparing the equation of the cubic surface with that for IV = 12 — 2C 3 , 
it appears that the equation of VI = 12 — B 3 — G 3 is obtained by substituting in that 
equation the values 3 = 0, 7=1. But instead of making this substitution in the final 
formula, it is convenient to make it in the binary quartic V, F) 4 , thus in fact 
working out the reciprocal surface by means of the function 
(xX 2 + yX F — iv F 2 ) 2 + 4zivX (a, b, c, dfX, F) 3 , 
the coefficients whereof (multiplying by 6 to avoid fractions) are 
We find 
The equation is 
viz. it is 
6x 2 + 24 aziu, 
3 xy + 18 bziu, 
y 2 — 2xiv + 12 czw, 
— 3 yw + 6 dzw, 
Qw 2 . 
= L 2 — 12zwM, 
— J = L s - ISzvjLM - 54 z 2 w 2 N, 
L = y 2 + 6 (x + 3c^) w, 
M = 2dxy + 6 (2cx — by + 2bdz) w — 4aiv 2 , 
X = — 4d 2 x 2 — 8d (3bx — 2ay + 2adz) w — 12 (3b 2 — 4ac) w 2 . 
IQgV 2 K i2 — ^~ zw My ~ № — \3zwLM — 54 z 2 w 2 X) 2 ) = 0, 
L 2 (LX + M 2 ) - 18zwLMX - 16zwM 2 - 27z 2 w 2 X 2 = 0, 
where however LX + M 2 contains the factor w, = wP suppose; the equation thus is 
L 2 P - ISzLMX- !6zM s -27z 2 wX 2 = 0. 
A — 4a- + 1 2c£, 
B = 6cx - 3by + 6bdz - 2aw, 
C = 6bdx - 4ady + 4ad 2 z + 3 (3b 2 - 4ac) w, 
c. vt. 52

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