and the expressions which enter into this formula denote as follows; viz. if through
the point P, at right angles to the plane through P and the axis of rotation, we
draw a line PQ, = perpendicular distance of P from the axis of rotation, then the
coordinates of Q referred to P as origin are
— y cos 7 + z cos /3,
X cos 7 . — z cos a,
— X cos ß + y cos a . ,
respectively. Hence the foregoing quantities each multiplied by co are the displacements
of the point P in the directions of the axes, produced by the rotation co. Suppose
that the axis of rotation (instead of passing through the origin) passes through the
point (x 0 , y 0 , z 0 ) ; the only difference is that we must in the formulae write
(x — x 0 , y — y 0 , z — z 0 ) in place of (x, y, z): and attending to the significations of the
six coordinates (a, b, c, f, g, h) it thus appears that the displacements produced by the
rotation are equal to co into the expressions
. -cy+ bz +/,
cx . — az + g,
— bx + ay . + h,
Demonstration of Lemma 2.
For any infinitesimal motion whatever of a solid body, the displacements of the
point (x, y, z) in the directions of the axes are
Bx = l . — ry + qz,
By — m + rx . —pz,
Bz = n — qx +py . ,
and hence the displacement in the direction of the line (a, ¡3, 7), is
Bx cos a + By cos /3 +• Bz cos 7,
which, attending to the signification of the six coordinates (a, b, c, f, g, h), is
= al + bm + cn +fp + gq + hr,
which is the required expression.
It is proper to remark that the last-mentioned expressions of (Bx, By, Bz) are in
fact the displacements produced by a translation and a rotation. If we assume that
every infinitesimal motion of a solid body can be resolved into a translation and a
rotation, then, since a translation can be produced by two rotations, every infinitesimal
motion of a solid body can be resolved into rotations alone, and the foregoing expressions
for the displacements produced by a rotation, combining any number of them and
writing (Icoa, Zcob, Icoc, Icof 2cog, 2coh) — (-p, — q, —r, l, m, w) respectively, lead to the
expressions for the displacements Bx, By, Bz produced by the infinitesimal motion of the
solid body.