Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 6)

and the four forms of the equation are found to be 
( . , Vr(S — 7), Vo-(/3 — S), Vp (y —/3)) (Va'i/, Vb'F, Vc'TF, Vd / 2 7 ) = 0, 
Vt (7 — S ), . , Vp (8 — a ), Vo- (a — y) 
Vo- (¿>-ß), Vp(a-S), . , Vt (/3 — a) 
Vp (£- 7), Vo-(7 — a), Vr(a-/8), 
viz., these are the equivalent forms of the original equation assumed to be 
(/3 — 7) Vpa' ¿7+ (7 — a) Vo-b' F + (a — /3) Vrc' IT = 0. 
50. I remark that the theorem of the variable zomal may be obtained as a 
transformation theorem—viz., comparing the equation \/lU+ VmF+ V?iTF= 0 with the 
equation V&r+ Vmy + Vw^ = 0; this last belongs to a conic touched by the three lines 
x = 0, y = 0, z — 0; the equation of the same conic must, it is clear, be expressible in 
a similar form by means of any other three tangents thereof, but the equation of any 
tangent of the conic is a# 4-by 4 02 = 0, where a, b, c are any quantities satisfying the 
condition - 4- — 4- - = 0 ; whence, writing a# 4- by 4- cz + dw = 0, we may introduce w = 0 
u c 
along with any two of the original zomals x = Ü, y = 0, z = 0, or, instead of them, any 
three functions of the form w; and then the mere change of x, y, 2, w into U, V, W, T 
gives the theorem. But it is as easy to conduct the analysis with (U, V, W, T) as 
with (x, y, z, w), and, so conducted, it is really the same analysis as that whereby the 
theorem is established ante, No. 47. 
51. It is worth while to exhibit the equation of the curve 
y/lU + VmF + ViilF = 0, 
in a form containing three new zomals. Observe that the equation - + ^ + - = 0 is 
£1 D C 
satisfied by a = l<f>x, b = c = n0cj>, if only 0 + (f> + % = 0 ; or say, if 0 = a' - a", 
$ = a" — a, x = a ~ a "’ The equation 
X V(a — a’) (a — a") IU + (a — a") (a' — a)mV+ (a" — a) (a" — a') n W 
+ ^ V(6 -b')(b- b") lU + (b'~ b") (b' -b) mV + (6" — b)(b" —b')n W 
+ v V(c - c'){g — c") IU + (c — c")(c' — c)mV + (c" — c) (c" — c')nW = 0 
is consequently an equation involving three zomals of the proper form; and we can deter 
mine X, /jl, v in suchwise as to identify this with the original equation ^IU + \ZmV+\/nW, 
viz., writing successively U = 0, V= 0, W = 0, we find 
(a' — a") X 4- (b' — b”) /x + (c' — c") v = 0, 
{a” — a ) X + (6" — b ) fx + (c" — c ) v = 0, 
(a — a') X 4- (b —b')fx + (c —c')v = 0,

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