familiar form. It would not, on the face of the investigations, be apparent that in
treating of the polyzomal curves
VZ (© + 7<P) + Vm (© + M$>) + &c. = 0,
(0 = 0 a conic, d? = 0 a line, as above), that we were really treating of the curves the
zomals whereof are circles, and therein of the theories of foci and focofoci as about
to be explained. And for these reasons I shall consider the two points © = 0, <4> = 0,
to be the circular points at infinity 7, J, and in the investigations, &c., make use of
the terms circle, right angles, &c., which, in their ordinary significations, have implicit
reference to these two points.
The present Part does not explicitly relate to the theory of polyzomal curves, but
contains a series of researches, partly analytical and partly geometrical, which will be
made use of in the following Parts III. and IV. of the Memoir.
Article Nos. 59 to 62. The Circular Points at Infinity ; Rectangular and Circular
59. The coordinates made use of (except in the cases where the general trilinear
coordinates (x, y, z), or any other coordinates, are explicitly referred to), will be either
the ordinary rectangular coordinates x, y, or else, as we may term them, the circular
coordinates £, g (= x + iy, x — iy respectively, i = V — 1 as usual), but in either case I
shall introduce for homogeneity the coordinate z, it being understood that this
coordinate is in fact = 1, and that it may be retained or replaced by this its value,
in different investigations or stages of the same investigation, as may for the time
being be most convenient. In more concise terms, we may say that the coordinates
are either the rectangular coordinates x, y, and z (=1), or else the circular coordinates
£, 7), and z {— 1). The equation of the line infinity is z = 0] the points 7, J are given
by the equations {x + iy = 0, z — 0) and {x — iy = 0, 2 = 0), or, what is the same thing,
by the equations (f = 0, z = 0) and (77 = 0, z = 0) respectively ; or in the rectangular
coordinates the coordinates of these points are (— i, 1, 0) and (i, 1, 0) respectively, and
in the circular coordinates they are (1, 0, 0) and (0, 1, 0) respectively. It is, of course,
only for points at infinity that the coordinate 0 is = 0 (and observe that for any such
point the x and y or £ and 77 coordinates may be regarded as finite) ; for every point
whatever not at infinity the coordinate z is, as stated above, = 1.
60. Consider a point A, whose coordinates (rectangular) are (a, a', 1) and (circular)
(a, a', 1), viz., a = a + a'i, a' = a — a'i ; then the equations of the lines through A to
the points 7, J, are
x — az + i(y — a'z) =0, x— az — i (y— a'z) = 0
respectively, or they are
^ — az = 0 , rj — a'z = 0
respectively. These equations, if (a, a') or (a, a!) are arbitrary, will, it is clear, be the
equations of any two lines through the points 7, J, respectively.