Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 6)

where we see that the two equations are equivalent to each other and to the 
l x m, n x p x . 
- + vr + — +4 = o. 
a x b x Cj dj 
It thus appears that the quantities l x , m x , n x , p x , must satisfy this last equation. It 
is to be observed that the first and second equations being, as we have seen, equivalent 
to a single equation, either of the quantities m x , n x , may be assumed at pleasure, but 
the other is then determined; the third and fourth equations then give l x , p x ; and the 
101. Now writing 
ff'li ——9 (c'm + b'm x ) + h (b'n + cn x ), 
f/Pi = ~c (gm- h'm x ) + b (h'n-g'n x ), 
ff'p = c (c'm + b'nii) + b (b'n + cn y ), 
ffl = 9 (g'm ~ h'rth) + h (h'n - g'n^, 
we find 
pp {lp x — lp)= — (bg + ch) [(c'm + b'm x ) (h'n — g'n x ) + (g’m — h'm x ) (b'n + c'wj)], 
= (bg + ch) (b'g' + c'h' ) (mgix — mn), 
= (Miff (m x n x — mn), 
that is 
ff (hpi — Ip) = (Mi (m x n x — mn) 
viz., this equation is satisfied identically by the values of l x , m x , n x , p x determined as 
102. Hence if m x n x — mn, we have also l x p x = Ip, and we can determine m x , n x> so 
that m x n x shall = mn, viz., in the first or second of the four equations (these two being 
equivalent to each other, as already mentioned), writing m x = 6n, and therefore n x = ^ m, 
we have 
—ffl + gg'm + lilt n — glind — g'hm ^ = 0, 
cc'm + bb'n — ff p + cb'nO + be'm - = 0, 
which are, in fact, the same quadric equation in 6, viz., we have 
—ffl + gg'm + hh'n _ gh' _ g'h 
cc'm + bb'n — ffp cb' be' 
The final result is that there are two sets of values of l x , nh, n x , p x , each satisfying 
the identity 
- № + + n& - pQ + l$L x — — W!®! + p x 9ö x = 0, 
C. VI. 

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