Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 6)

viz., of a circle having its centre on the major axis at a distance = ae sin 6 from the 
centre, and its radius = b cos 6. (I notice, in passing, that this gives in practice a 
very convenient graphical construction of the ellipse.) It may be remarked that for 
6 = ± sin -1 e, the circle becomes 
viz., this is the circle of curvature at one or other of the extremities of the major 
axis ; as 6 passes from 0 to + sin _1 e we have a series of real circles, which, by their 
continued intersection, generate the ellipse; as 6 increases from 6 = ± sin -1 e to i 90°, 
the circles continue real, but the consecutive circles no longer intersect in any real 
point,—and ultimately for 6=± 90°, the circles become evanescent at the two foci 
121. In the case q> 1, we have a real representation of 
(x — qae) 2 + y 2 + b 2 (q 2 - 1), 
as the squared distance of the point (x, y) from a point (X, 0, Z) out of the plane 
of the figure, viz., putting this = (x — X) 2 -f y 2 + Z 2 , 
we have 
qae — X, Z 2 = b 2 (q 2 — 1), 
or, what is the same thing, 
CL~ — O“ ir 
that is, the locus is the focal hyperbola, viz., a hyperbola in the plane of zx, having 
its vertices at the foci, and its foci at the vertices of the ellipse. 
122. If instead of the form first considered, we start from the trizomal form 
2bz + V« 2 + (y — aeiz) 2 + Va? + (y+ aeiz) 2 = 0, 
then we have the zomal or circle of double contact under the form 
a? + (y — qaei) 2 = a 2 (1 — q 2 ) ; 
or putting herein q — — i tan </>, this is 
a? + (y — ae tan <£) 2 = a 2 sec 2 </>; 
so that we have the ellipse as the envelope of a variable circle having its centre 
on the minor axis of the ellipse, distance from the centre = ae tan </>, and radius 
= a sec tf>. This is, in fact, Gergonne’s theorem, according to which the ellipse is 
the secondary caustic or orthogonal trajectory of rays issuing from a point and 
refracted at a right line into a rarer medium. It is to be remarked that for 
tan (f> = + y , the equation of the circle is

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